Sleep deprivation

All posts tagged Sleep deprivation

Not so sleepyhead

Published June 9, 2012 by KalamityK

I’m a bit tired. It’s 5:30am and the sun is already up. There’s proper daylight out there. It’s been out there for a while. I watched it through the gap at the bottom of the blinds. Think the housework might not be getting done particularly efficiently today due to lack of sleep… 

I’m a bit of an insomniac at the moment and usually take pills to get me off to sleep. Now I know what happens if I don’t take a sleeping tablet. I don’t sleep! At all!!! I tried and tried a few hours ago but it was game over when I had to get up at 4 because I had restless legs. I HATE getting restless legs. I bought a tube of goo which stops them being restless and I had to get up to get that. I couldn’t remember where I’d put it so I had to turn the light on. Sleep after that just wasn’t gonna happen. So I get to spend the rest of my day in zombie mode. NOT awesome! I’ll be ok til about 11am and then it’ll hit me. POW!

BTW, just for info purposes… the tube of goo is called Aching Leg Gel from Boots. It says “With horse chestnut to soothe, cool and help relieve tired, heavy and unsettled legs.” It really does work, for me at least.

Right now though, I’m awake and feeling the urge to take a walk down to the seafront whilst there’s no-one around except the seagulls. Come to think of it, I can’t even hear them at the minute. Yep, I think I’ll throw some clothes on and go for a wander, then buy some breakfast on the way back. Just for an hour or so. Might as well make the most of the hours I’m not a dribbling, half dead zombie.

K then, catchyalata. I’d better go catch some sunshiny solitude before everyone wakes up! Now if I can just find some batteries for my camera….. 

Kalamity K 🙂

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